Wednesday 6 December 2017

Bodybuilding as Leadership Sports

I have been engaged in bodybuilding sports since 2005. I used to follow same gym routine and never tried anything new for 9 years. In 2014 i decided to explore new dimensions, and found that i was moving in wrong direction. For 9 years i followed traditional and outdated methods. This sport is not just about weight training, mass building or make yourself physically strong. It is much more than that.

This blog is about one of my findings i.e., "Bodybuilding is Leadership Sports". I compared leadership traits with bodybuilding and below are my finding,

1. Both have vision
Bodybuilding without vision is useless. It is long term goal. Every day i used to see Arnold pics and wish to be like him. Similarly Leadership without vision is not leadership.

2. Both have short term goals / missions
Mass gaining is not easy and one cannot achieve in days or months. Bodybuilders have to set short term goals just like leaders. They keep on achieving their goals and slowly moving towards their vision.

3. Both have schedules
Just like leaders, bodybuilders set their workout routine. And they strictly follow their workout schedule to achieve their vision or final outcome.

4. Both track progress
If bodybuilder is not tracking his progress, then he will eventually lost his position and road to vision. I was used to take all body measurements on weekly basis, and daily pose in front of mirror to see improvement in my body shape. 

5. Admire others
Bodybuilders admire others' perfection just like leaders admire good work of others'.

6. Always willing to help
It is great to see that in gym, whenever i needed help, other bodybuilders instantly jumped to help me in lifting heavy weights and support me to achieve my goals. Just like leaders, they are always willing to help other and help them to move ahead in right direction.

7. Never hesitate to ask for help
I have never seen any bodybuilder who hesitated for asking help in lifting heavy weights. When i used to lift heavy, i myself seek help from others. 

8. Set clear objectives and targets
Every bodybuilder set very clear objectives and targets. If any one want to become Arnold he will follow him, and if some one want to become Jay, he will definitely follow him and his workout. Both, bodybuilders and leaders always have focused approach.

 9. Confidence level
Both are always confident of their achievements and emotionally strong.

In upcoming blogs I will share my more findings about bodybuilding sport and how is it related to other things?

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